Hey Darlings,
It's time to bid adieu to the most scandalous hub in Habbo Origins. We've unraveled secrets, exposed lies, and served you the juiciest whispers. Your unwavering support has made every gossip thread and exclusive story worth every click.
However, with the player count in-game massively dwindling and the significant time and effort required for each edition, maintaining the site has stopped being as fun for us as it once was. As such, despite still having loads of juicy gossip lined up, it's time for us to move on.
We never expected the site to be as popular as it has been. We're constantly asked by players all across the hotel for updates on the next release, and we're so thankful for the love and support everyone has shown.
But even the hottest rumors must come to an end. As we close our doors, we want to thank each and every one of you for being part of our glittering journey through the chaos of Habbo Origins.
Stay fabulous,
Origins Gossip aka Grisly & 443